Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's Primary Election Day!

Today is Hawaii's primary election day. I can proudly say I voted! You know why?

If you don't vote, you don't get to complain.

I mean obviously you can complain if you don't vote, but if you purposely didn't take the time to make your voice heard through your votes then I couldn't give a shit what you have to complain about. People my age LOVE to complain about everything the government does or doesn't do, yet many don't get involved with trying to change what they don't like. You don't have to email your lawmakers or sign petitions or give money to campaigns, but you should at least vote when you get the chance. My parents vote in every election and I'm trying to do the same.

And honestly, only voting is kind of half-assing it. I know that every single email gets read by someone, even an intern*, at the offices of most lawmakers. Every time some controversial issue makes big news or an important vote comes up in congress, you can find ready-to-send email messages all over the internet. The last few I remember coming across had to do with international whaling issues and women's health care when the reform bill was up for vote. When Obama was elected you could donate $5 to the campaign and receive awesome stickers as a thank-you (which I believe I have misplaced ಠ~ಠ).

IT'S NOT THAT HARD. Don't prove people right when they say things like, "Oh these young whipper snappers don't vote and they're all apathetic! They don't care about where this country is going! (Raaaaawwwrr get off my lawn!)" I care, so I vote.

*Not that I'd know anything about that from my own personal experiences.

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The toes you step on today may be related to the butt you kiss tomorrow.