Sunday, July 15, 2012

Miss/Won't Miss #10

Things I'll Miss About Japan #10: Arashi and EXILE on TV

I don't watch a whole lot of TV in Japan, but I do try to watch Himitsu no Arashi-chan, Arashi ni Shiyagare, and EXILE Tamashii. Pretty Japanese men who sing and dance and are rather entertaining! On my TV! And I don't have to download it off some streaming site or anything super mendokusai! Why would I ever say no?

EXILE is especially wonderful in all their matching suits~ 

I tried joining a community on LJ dedicated to providing subbed versions of Arashi shows. They opened membership for a little while and you had to write some long dribbling fangirl essay on why you love Arashi. If they didn't like your essay they didn't let you join. So dumb.

The forums also make you jump through a billion hoops just to watch subbed programs. "Sign up and earn points for each posts! Once you earn a billion points fangirling on stuff you don't care about then you can watch the 30 subbed clips!" Really? Sorry for just being a casual fan and not dedicating every waking moment to thinking about a group of five guys I'll never meet or even see in person.

I suppose now I don't really *need* subs and could download raw files. I can follow along ok, especially since Japanese TV shows provide funny Japanese subs when the guests say something interesting.

Things I Won't Miss About Japan #10: My Apartment

I'm not even going to post a freaking picture of the place. I did a before and after a few days ago, you can scroll to find that.

Manager has been such a bitch about telling me what to do and what's happening in regards to me leaving that I'm thankful just to be out of the apartment.

I'll miss the independence and freedom that came with living on my own, but screw that place. It was small, lacked any storage space, and the utilities were insane. I paid more than 6000 yen for three weeks' worth of gas and another 6,000 yen between electricity and water.

It helps that my hotel is SUPER swanky and I can't believe my company is paying for it.

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