Sunday, June 24, 2012

Things I Will/Won't Miss About Japan

Things have been rather dead around these parts. I apologize, I'm going through a big life transition and blogging isn't high on the list of priorities.

In packing and sorting through all my crap, I decided I'm going to try to do a new post EVERYDAY (lol let's see how long that lasts) cataloging the things I've loved and the things I've hated about life in Tokyo.

I'm not going to officially start this epic series until July, my last full month in Japan, but here's a sample~

Things I'll Miss About Japan #0: Ridiculous Men's Magazines

Whenever I'm feeling down or just want something pretty to look at, I indulge myself with a purchase of some crazy gyaru-o magazine.

My most purchased to date has been Men's Egg, but they're all about the same. I think in general the models for Men's KNUCKLE are better-looking, but I'm a dedicated Men's Egg fan. I really should have made a greater effort to see their taiko drum movie last summer.

Oh, look! Gyaru-o "gangs" or circles or something lol.


Even though I can get most big name Japanese magazines in Hawaii (Egg, Nuts, SCawaii, etc.) and every single JE magazine, no one carries men's magazines. I rarely bother reading the articles, but sometimes I do find gems like how to nampa over Mixi or other hilarious topics. Otherwise I'm sure it's a mix of misogynist crap and tutorials on how to get the best hair evarrrr.

Alas, the few I've purchased are now bundled up and waiting for recycle day. Thanks for the lulz, guys.

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