This past weekend wasn't incredibly interesting or blog-worthy. I studied, went clubbing, ate food. I should have gone to Asakusa for their big matsuri (festival), but I didn't. I'm told I missed out on a real-life yakuza gang, sleeve tattoos and all, carrying a shrine.
I'm working on a bigger project. In the meantime, here's an assortment of things I've been meaning to post but haven't.
Acerola is some kind of melon? I have not had this drink, but it is more common than Sprite. Shoutout to Mr. Robert Rose, who was fairly amused by acerola flavored Hi-Chew a few years ago.

Many university students carry their books in these plastic sleeve things. You put your loose papers and folders in it, fold it over, and look cool. To me, part of the appeal is that you show off what school you go to, like with university hoodies. I know all the big name schools sell these things -- I've seen sleeves from Keio, a few women's colleges, and Tokyo University. EDIT: Sophia is known for over-achiever girls, so I suppose that's what I'm showing off when I carry around my pink sleeve.
all the men in dubai wear those crazy shoes! plus tight pants and shirts unbuttoned halfway down with gorilla hair hanging out!