Anyway, we went to CoCo Ichiban in Shibuya. We have this chain in Hawaii but they're called Curry House instead; I would think because "CoCo Ichiban" has no meaning to someone who doesn't know anything about Japanese. Though it's the same chain, you order a bit differently in Japan -- you choose the amount of rice you want (200-700? grams, increments of 100g), how spicy you want the curry to be (scale of 1-10, but 6-10 has its own little red box in the chart they give you), and then what type of curry (chicken katsu, hamburger, etc).
Let's break down what everyone ordered, yes?
Dan: 400g- level 4 - croquette curry
Megan: 200g - level 4 - hamburger curry
Me: 300g - level 3 - some kind of pork curry
Ashlie: 300g - level 2 - katsu curry
Level 3, though seemingly unimpressive, was definitely spicy enough. And it was that kind of spicy that you don't feel until you've eaten a few bites, then you realize your mouth is on fire. It was delicious.
After lunch, we went through the epic Shibuya 109 5-days Clearance. I may or may not have a sound byte of what you hear when you enter this overly crowded cornucopia of ganguro-techno-clubbing-trashy madness, but I hope these two photos suffice. I was afraid to take a picture of the shop girls, who are all on stools or small ladders with cones in their hands shouting out the latest price cuts at their store. INSANE. EDIT: If you're friends with Dan on Facebook, he took some photos of the shop girls. Like a freakin' gaijin.
Today, I went to Bic Camera to get a new pair of earphones, as the left side of my rip-off $35 iPod earphones is going dead. Bic Camera has an entire wall of all sorts of earphones, most of which you can try out before you buy. They keep a display rack of earphones that you can put into your ear, and each set is connected to some music source playing a pop song. Apple's advertising techniques work on me, so I wanted to buy some white earphones to keep the iPod look. I FOUND THE CUTEST EARPHONES EVER I LOVE THEM. And I managed to get some other CUTE bling too:
Charmy Kitty iPod sticker and new earphones
I bought them like that.
They also come in pink and black if you wanna send me $15 to buy you a pair :)
I have yet to bling out the keitai
Ooooh Japan why must you make me spend money and make me overly girly?