Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Childhood on a Phone Strap

Browsing around Village Vanguard the other night, I came across an interesting capsule machine. I usually find great capsule machines at Bic Camera (they have aisles of them) or in Odaiba Decks, and given what I'm used to seeing I shouldn't have even noticed the pathetic little one VV had. But at the very bottom was something I never thought I'd find in Japan:


I've been looking for a new and unique phone strap to keep on my keitai. I used to have all kinds of random crap on it, gifts and free stuff off soda bottles, and I'd only had a little sea snake charm from the Sunshine City Aquarium. But now? OMG REN AND STIMPY.

I used to watch this show quite a bit when I was younger, much to my mother's dismay and disgust. Watching old episodes now as an adult I can kind of see why, but I was too young to catch on to most of the bad jokes. Still, THIS IS GREAT.

Dusty table.

I PUT POWDERED TOAST MAN ON MY KEITAI. He even stands on his own and everything! Ren is on my door handle chilling with all my other retired phone straps.

I'm gonna have to go back and raid that machine a few more times, even if it is 300yen a pop. I need the LOG phone strap in my life~

1 comment:

  1. i love when you can find random treasures here. i often find the t-shirts with english on them fun. i have one that says 'im cherry boy' on it, and another that says 'i can be your private dancer' on it. i like to see the look on people's faces when they read it AND actually understand what it means!

    long live ren and stimpy!!

    ...wish there was a place on the iphone for a strap...


The toes you step on today may be related to the butt you kiss tomorrow.