Monday, July 23, 2012


I gave my cool kids drawings on postcards with my contact info.
Zombie Moldy Shokupan Man, FrankenMario, and Count Pikachu.

This is Uhn's version of Pikachu.

I didn't say anything about leaving, per Manager's stupid request,
so I didn't get that many gifts.

But I reread part of my renewal of my contract, and I can't talk about the company for a full year! DAMNIT. Oh well. So long as I don't specifically name the horrible awful no good company I worked for, right? Maybe.

I will say that I don't think the company I worked for will be around for much longer. If their current business practices continue, max two years (then we might have a "new" company like there's a "new" Nova). There have been rumblings of trouble for quite some time and bad things are finally starting to happen. I'm glad that I got out when I did.

I'll miss a few of my kids, maybe about a dozen out of more than 60. My oldest, Mittens, did email me so I hope we'll stay in touch. I haven't heard from anyone else yet but I won't be holding my breath. I'm just glad to be done with this job and out of that miserable work environment.

I don't know what I'll do next, but for now I'm going to enjoy my last few days in Japan. When I get home I'll take a break and play a little before really looking for another job. I got a fairly good exit package so I'm not worried about money just yet.

Definitely more DRINKING before heading back into the work force.


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The toes you step on today may be related to the butt you kiss tomorrow.